First you need to be a member of the EUROPARC Federation. When you are a member of the EUROPARC Federation and situated in the Nordic or Baltic countries you will automatically become a member of the EUROPARC Nordic-Baltic Section. More information about how to become a EUROPARC Federation member is available on the EUROPARC Federation website.
Benefits of joining us
EUROPARC is a network of more than 440 member organisations, professional practitioners caring for Europe’s natural, cultural and iconic landscapes. We are the foremost and largest NGO representing the protected areas of Europe, uniting national parks, regional parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves in 36 countries, with the common aim of protecting Europe’s unique variety of wildlife, habitats and landscapes. Together, we make a valuable contribution to nature conservation and protected area management in Europe as well as to environmental governance internationally.
As a member of EUROPARC you get access to a most relevant network. By learning from each other’s experiences and best practices, we find management solutions that are cost and time efficient.
In the Nordic-Baltic Section, information and knowledge is exchanged for example by means of:
- seminars
- two member meetings per year
- other types of exchange, eg study visits and project partnerships, participation in meetings throughout Europe
- e-mail information about current events within the section, in Europe and internationally
In addition, you get access to the activities organised by the Federation, such as:
- the yearly EUROPARC Conference with interesting workshops and seminars
- The work of the Commissions and Task Forces
- programmes and projects e.g. Sustainable Tourism, Junior Rangers, Transboundary cooperation.
- tools and trainings, e.g. webinars on many topics
- invitations to meetings and events organised by the other sections
- publications
- European Days of Parks
- information on European policy on protected areas and the Natura 2000 network